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A limited generative art series to commemorate twenty five years of

Using an AxiDraw plotter, each unique work is created from a grid made up of 25 possible locations.  The algorithmic system – created in Processing – makes decisions to draw lines between some of the points, occasionally drawing boxes, suggestive of a calendar.  

As the pen interacts with the paper, the drawn lines create irregularities and imperfections – a fusion of digital decision and analog happenstance.

The A5 paper size is suggestive of a page torn from a notebook, celebrating the freedom and joy which comes from simply making marks as part of the creative process.

The title of the work is inspired by this beautiful writing from John Ruskin:

"..imperfection is in some sort essential to all that we know of life. It is the sign of life in a mortal body, that is to say, of a state of progress and change. Nothing that lives is, or can be, rigidly perfect; part of it is decaying, part nascent. The foxglove blossom,—a third part bud, a third part past, a third part in full bloom,—is a type of the life of this world. And in all things that live there are certain irregularities and deficiencies which are not only signs of life, but sources of beauty. No human face is exactly the same in its lines on each side, no leaf perfect in its lobes, no branch in its symmetry. All admit irregularity as they imply change; and to banish imperfection is to destroy expression, to check exertion, to paralyse vitality. All things are literally better, lovelier, and more beloved for their imperfections. Accept this then for a universal law, that neither architecture nor any other noble work of man can be good unless it be imperfect."

– John Ruskin

An edition of 300 (the number of weeks in twenty five years), each unique work is signed and numbered using a Palomino Blackwing 602 pencil, a personal favourite for many years.




Size: 148mm x 210mm (A5)

Materials:  230gsm handmade cotton rag paper with a decal edge, OHTO 0.3 Graphic Liner Rollerball Drawing Pen, AxiDraw 3, custom software.

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